
With mobile devices and tablets increasingly becoming the browsing gadgets of choice for many people, a good responsive design is important to make your site stand out from the rest.

Responsive Design

Responsive design is a modern technique that allows a website to look great on all screen sizes. The layout of the page reacts to the screen size of the user's browser, and rearranges itself so that it exactly fits the display.

  • We only need to create a single version of your site and it will look great on all devices
  • When a user turns their phone from portrait to landscape the website will still fill the screen
  • If a user is browsing on their desktop and they resize the window, the website will always fit in the window

If you want to see how this works, grab the right hand edge of your browser window and resize it right now: you'll see the contents of the page rearrange themselves to perfectly fit the window.

Optimised for Mobile

As well as making sure that your site looks great on mobile devices and tablets, we will also optimise your site to ensure the best user experience for your visitors. We will keep loading times in mind throughout development so that your site can load quickly, even over a slow mobile internet connection, and we will design the user interface so that it's easy to interact with on a touch screen.